Creating Connections



Help Others Connect Regarding the Need to:

Host a neighborhood block party
Greet everyone you meet on the trail
Converse with the maintenance crew
Bake a few extra cookies for a single or elderly neighbor
Offer a panhandler a sanitized food item and a greeting
Offer someone who is isolated a ride
Ask a friend to join you for a walk
Take food to an injured or grieving acquaintance
Take an elderly or disabled person for a walk (in a wheel chair)
Make a “welcome to the neighborhood gift basket” for a newcomer
Virtually become a parent substitute for a freshman or foreign college student
Smile and nod at passers-by
Strike up a conversation with a stranger

Take A Step to Connect Yourself:

Re-engage in an activity you remember enjoying
Walk a dog
Join a service club
Call family and friends regularly
Stop engaging in negative self-talk
Trust a friend with your true feelings
Listen without judgement
Exercise, preferably outdoors, and exercise every day
Reconnect with an old friend
Establish a sleep cycle that works for you
Initiate a conversation with a person you find interesting
Find a professional to whom you can express your concerns
Do one thing outside your comfort zone every week
Adopt a cat, dog, horse, bird…
Listen openly to someone with whom you don’t agree with
Volunteer for a non-profit
Attend a virtual class
Establish a weekly social outing with a friend
Smile, even when you don’t feel like it

Connect Yourself and Help Your Community:

Volunteer at a preschool or play space ( or
Did you know that research shows that being around young children keeps you young?
Consider sharing a room in your home in exchange for affordable rent and / or help around your house ( We have a severe housing crisis and many empty bedrooms within our community.

From your La Plata Neighbors Creating Connections Colorado Initiative